“What is ADHD Coaching?”
As we all know, ADHD has the ability to negatively impact the lives of individuals who have been diagnosed with it. However, having that negative impact placed upon them does not mean that they cannot get help from a professional that would ensure growth, progress and ultimately, positive change in individuals with ADHD.
ADHD coaching is a process that involves sessions between an ADHD coach and an individual who has ADHD. It is important to keep in mind that individuals with ADHD have the same basic needs as anyone and that is why coaching would be beneficial. ADHD coaching will not only benefit the affected person but the people who have to care for them too. ADHD coaches design programmes that helps their clients build structures in certain aspects of their lives, it is a type of support system, they are taught the necessary skills and strategies are put in place that will allow the clients to lead a normal and fulfilling life, which of course includes being able to cope in mainstream schools.
ADHD coaching also allows clients to set goals and then achieve them as well as having the strength and the courage to overcome the challenges that they may have to endure. Another important aspect of coaching is that it may enhance the client’s self-esteem which allows room for an increase in confidence and better quality relationships with peers and family members. The process of coaching will not only lead to a greater self-esteem but it will allow the individuals to take ownership and responsibility for their actions. Coaching is concerned with the individual as a whole and not just the individual symptoms that may be present in the person.
Is ADHD Coaching Affective?
ADHD coaching most often includes one on one sessions, which means that the client will get all the attention that the coach has to offer. Studies have shown that ADHD coaching can be affective if it is done consistently and there is proof that children who have once had social problems can form better relationships with peers and caregivers. Coaching works the same for adults as it does for children. All individuals, young or old, will have the opportunity of adding value and meaning to their lives.
ADHD Coaching Near Me
It might come across as though ADHD coaching near us does not exist but that is only because it is highly unnoticed and not given enough credit. I hope the above clarifies the benefits of ADHD coaching for both the affected individual as well as those who are responsible for their well-being. There are various institutions and professionals around Johannesburg that offer ADHD coaching each with a different approach. Some use a cognitive approach whereas others use a cognitive behavioural approach, for example. It is best to do research on the affected individual’s symptoms before making a decision on which approach you think would be the best fit. This type of research on coaching includes contacting the various institutions and asking them to explain their approach in a bit more detail, in most cases the coach will use an approach that would work best for their clients.
By Tasneem George
Vilardo, Brigid A, MEd; DuPaul, George J, PhD; Kern, Lee, PhD; Hojnoski, Robin L, PhD.Child & Family Behavior Therapy; London Vol. 35, Iss. 1, (2013): 63.
Hayden, D. C. (2016). What Is ADHD Coaching? Psych Central. https://psychcentral.com
Hallowell, E. M. & Ratey, J.J. (2011). Driven to distraction: Recognizing and coping with Attention Deficit Disorder. New York, NY: Anchor Books.