Special needs schooling

Special needs school

After completing my studies, I was looking for a career that was evidence based and fool proof. Special needs schools are tough environments but Catch up Kids gives each child their own personal space and freedom for their personality to flourish and to be who they are. A Special needs schooling system is not supposed to brainwash children, they are there to facilitate, guide and nurture their growth. Which is what I have experienced at catch up kids.

Catch up Kids is a special needs school that helps students which struggle in school, amongst their peers and people they know. It is a safe environment where kids can prepare themselves for tasks done at school, to get them ready to do everyday activities, to make kids aware of what is expected of them. It is a place were children can be themselves without being judged. A special needs school environment where they can practice things that are expected of them in everyday scenarios.

Catch up Kids can work with children with communication, attentional and any social interaction issues as well as working with children that have restricted or repetitive patterns of behaviour. They can even work with and facilitate higher functioning kids and even kids with a vast amount of problem behaviours. They are a special needs school that has a consistent team that is responsible to create change within the kid’s life. This team works together to help motivate and build confidence amongst the children.

The special needs schooling system at Catch up Kids is well versed in dealing with disorders like ADHD. They even have instructors that are capable of going to the children’s school to help them participate in their classroom, help out with explaining tasks, and maintaining any problem behaviour so that the entire class is not affected every time by it. This special needs school is equipped to handle any demands/ requirements from the child or their parents/caregivers and work in conjunction with the child’s family to bring about change that is functional.

The Catch up kids special needs schooling centres help facilitate with school readiness, they prepare students that need to prepare for students who can’t be expected to, once they are thrown out, to fend for themselves. The special needs schooling teaches the kids correct handling and coping procedures, mastering the work before its presented at school, making sure lessons are planned out appropriately based on the uniqueness of the child. For all children are Not the same, and the special needs school Catch up kids is more than capable of reacting and teaching different kids, differently. They tailor each child’s program to the child and not one child is forced to be the same as everyone else.

This special needs schooling system is evidence based so, every response, every lesson, and every part of the progress is documented and data is collected on it. There are teams of instructors and supervisors that work very hard in making sure the program a kid is following is worth their benefit and will create impactful change.