Schools for ADHD children
Schools for ADHD children
Children who are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may suffer from issues in three main domains relating to attention, hyperactivity and/or impulsivity. Due to these symptoms children with ADHD are often unable to regulate their attention, control their impulses or struggle with hyperactivity. These behaviours disrupt a child’s ability to effectively learn in a classroom environment. It is for this reason that when choosing a school for ADHD children, one needs to evaluate whether the educational aids and support systems that have been put in place are the best for that child’s specific needs. Schools that offer facilitation and learning programmes designed specifically for that child’s needs are more beneficial as it will better aid the children in reaching their full potential. When looking for schools for ADHD children it is essential that one considers a facility that may offer individualized programmes that address issues in executive functioning and cognitive abilities. Schools for ADHD children may focus on strengthening skills such as time management, social skills, attention, memory and planning. Simultaneously schools for ADHD children may assist your child in coping with flexibility issues, inhibition as well as emotional regulation. In your search for a school for ADHD children you may consider Catch Up Kids. Catch Up Kids offers assessments that allow the Catch Up Kids supervisor to create an individualised programme that offers them the specialized support that they need. The Catch Up Kids programmes allow for your child to receive one on one support from the tutors who aim to empower and assist your child in bridging any gaps they may have in their education. The Catch Up Kids programme is available to you and your child at your home, in the classroom or at any Catch Up Kid facility. The programme designed by the supervisor is tailored to assist your child in any areas they may struggle with. These programmes will aid your child in meeting the academic and social demands placed on them in a classroom environment. Your child’s sessions will be centred on helping them cope with their specific problem learning areas as well as instilling confidence in their academic work. School observations are conducted in order to determine every aspect that they may hinder their academic performance. The Catch Up Kids supervisor may tailor the programme to not only fit your child’s needs but to also consider their current school environment. A Catch Up Kids programme may offer your child the opportunity to remain in their current school with a school facilitator present to bridge any gaps in academic activities as well as social interactions at the school. Catch Up Kids aim to best facilitate your child in reaching their full academic potential.