
Occupational Therapy for ADHD

Occupational Therapy for ADHD

To understand the wonderful benefits Occupational Therapy for ADHD, occupational therapy needs to be understood. Occupational therapy is a specialised healthcare profession that uses remedial strategies to benefit all aspects of the child’s life. The occupational therapist will use [1]every-day activities or exercises to improve the coordination, concentration, organisation, gross motor skills (the involvement of the whole body), fine motor skills (small movements of the hands, fingers, and toes), visual-perceptual skills (the process essential in teaching the child to learn how to write), sensory processing problems, and logical-thinking skills of the person inflicted with a disorder such as ADHD, which is defined by a deficit in these skills. There is no cure for ADHD, but Occupational Therapy for ADHD can reduce the severity and frequency of the child’s ADHD symptoms and provide an improved quality of life for both the child, and their loved ones.


The core skills of occupational therapy are:


Occupations: Occupations in the context of occupational therapy means that the skills needed for daily living, such as sleep schedules, as well as education schedules and organisation skills needed to learn.

Contexts: This is the understanding of the child’s environmental and personal factors in order to understand how to help them best, and which skills to specifically work on.

Performance patterns: These patterns refer to the habits, retunes, rituals, and roles of the child and use this information, along with the child’s potential, to create a lifestyle in which the child can function in the way that works for them.

Performance skills: Performance skills are skills relating to physical performance (both gross and fine motor skills), but this also relates to social and interaction skills. This can teach the child things such as emotional regulation, a communication of their needs, how to express their emotions in a functional way, and how to feel confident in their individual abilities.


It takes all types of different team members to help a child become the best version of themselves they can be, and this is why Occupational Therapy for ADHD is such an important part in the child’s management of their disorder. Each child is unique, and the more we provide them with the tools to manage their tasks, the better we get to know them and help them!

[1] Regis College, (n.d). What does an Occupational Therapist Do? Roles and Responsibilities. https://www.regiscollege.edu/blog/occupational-therapy/what-does-occupational-therapist-do-roles-and-responsibilities