IEP Program

IEP Program

What is an IEP program? IEP stands for Individualised Education Program. This is a program designed and tailored to meet the specific needs of the child within the school environment.

The IEP program defines the individualised goals, objectives and specialised accommodations of the child. The IEP program is developed by the Catch Up Kids supervisor after meeting with the parents, principal and teachers as well as doing a full assessment of the child which includes school observations. A comprehensive IEP program is then designed to suit the needs of the child. Each domain, example academic, executive functioning, cognition, language and speech, social and emotional is assessed.

Goals and objectives are clearly defined with a specific date set out for when the goals need to be met. These goals are usually divided into quarterly goals but will be adjusted to suit the specific needs of the child. The IEP program team includes the Catch Up Kids supervisor and qualified Catch Up tutors that work closely together with the parents and teachers to accelerate the child’s learning capabilities, improve his / her academic performance and ultimately to become a classroom expert.

The child’s IEP program can also include accommodations. Accommodations do not involve modifying the material content but does allow the child to receive information or to demonstrate what they have learned in ways that work around their impairment, thereby minimising the likelihood of a significant disability. For example, a child may complete fewer / different parts of a homework assignment or an assessment than other children. They may also write shorter papers or be given different projects and assignments in replacement of the original task.

Accommodations may also include such provisions as preferential seating, providing photocopies of teacher notes, giving oral rather than written quizzes, extended time for tests and assignments, use of a word processor or laptop, taking tests in a quiet room, prompts and reminders for focus, breaks for sensory needs and assistance with specific subject areas.

The IEP program is built on the curriculum the child is currently following and should be implemented as far as possible in the classroom setting.

Examples of goals and objectives:

Executive Functioning – Sustained Attention

By 1 May 2019, Jason will demonstrate the ability to sustain his attention for up to

15 minutes when attending to a combination of auditory and visual stimuli presented

simultaneously in his environment, across the school, centre and home environments and

with accuracy in 3 out of 3 opportunities.

Academic – Handwriting

By 1 May 2019, Jason will independently write all upper- and lowercase letters with age-appropriate size, formation and spacing, using age-appropriate writing utensils, across the school, centre and home environments with accuracy in 8 out of 10 opportunities.