Facilitation Education

Facilitation Education

Educational curriculums have transformed over the years and will continue to do so. Education will always be the strongest tool of change and fighting for an education has changed our history. Curriculums continue to change and adapt in an attempt to improve what is taught.

Facilitation Education: A question worth asking is one which revolves around the idea of: “Is what my child is taught, being learnt”. A child could attend a prestigious school with a high standard of education, but are they learning from the teaching process? A teacher may walk into a class with a lesson plan they have created with their wealth of knowledge and expertise on a particular subject. A teacher presents material which is intended to impart their knowledge on students and is ultimately conscious and aware of their responsibility for the educating and learning which takes place, as their success will be determined on the assessments or evaluations which their students will undertake.

The success of a child is often determined by what they can remember and occasionally recall and reiterate from their ability to rote learn material. A child who falls behind or has challenges in a classroom can often be overlooked, or noticed, only after the material has been taught. Catching up for a student may also be challenging and sometimes the need to do so is only identified much later, when the assessments and evaluations are conducted.

Educational facilitation (Facilitation Education) is a unique and valuable method of tackling these challenges before they become overwhelming for a child and in turn, a parent. Educational facilitation has the ability to open the doors to learning, rather than simply providing information to a child in a rote arrangement. An educational facilitator (Facilitation Education)is able to assist in creating individualised programmes, which provide a child with opportunities and tools to enable him / her to tackle their specific challenges.

An educational facilitator can work with a teacher and the student in order to determine what information and skills that specific child would need to obtain in order to focus on the learning process. Facilitation Education is able to address areas which could affect a child’s learning in a classroom environment, but which are not typically addressed by a teacher.

Facilitation Education offers the opportunity to address a wider variety of skills which includes  social skills and emotional coping strategies. Essentially, conflict resolution and creative or critical thinking, are areas which have a major influence on a child’s ability to learn in a classroom, but which are not necessarily part of a set curriculum or lesson plan.

Every child is unique and educational facilitation offers a parent the comfort of knowing that their child’s unique challenges are being addressed to suite their individual needs. Your child will be safely guided in the hands of a skilled, trained Catch Up Kids facilitator.