Our tutors work in collaboration with the school team including the teacher, Head of Departments, Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapist in order to ensure your child’s success. Our tutors are there to compliment and not substitute these therapies. Through this collaboration, your child will bridge developmental gaps and it may prevent the need for a remedial school environment.
Our expert tutors use your child’s homework to teach them the missing foundational skills they need to succeed academically. Repeating a grade or taking medication alone doesn’t always give a struggling child the skills they need to catch up or to pass the grade. Our aim is to turn things around and help your child build the foundation they need to succeed academically for the rest of their school career.
Book an initial consultation with our developmental expert to help you understand your unique situation and the interventions that would be required to bridge the gap. Parents always comment that they feel so much better and supported after consulting with us. We provide a way forward to help their child succeed and cope in the mainstream classroom.